Thursday, May 23, 2013


So, it's Thursday and I swear this feels like the longest week of my life, lol. On Tuesday I thought it was Wednesday and Wednesday felt like Thursday and I swore when I woke up this morning it was Friday; oh the anticipation of race day. Last week was also the beginning of racing dreams. For the most part they have been good, I'm actually able to run and I'm not naked or getting lost, ha ha, so I'm taking that as a good omen! Physically, I'm feeling good. Tapering has been going really well and I'm pumped I have 3 more days to rest my legs and build those glycogen stores. Nolan and I have been eating pretty much our usual diet, lots of fruits, veggies, grains, beans, nuts, seeds etc. I'm not watching my calories as much which is very mentally freeing. Overall, I am really excited about the race, excited to see how I perform, how my body feels. It has been a lot of fun sharing my journey via this blog; thank you for all the support and keep checking in for updates!!! Have a fabulous Friday (being said with a wink).

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